06 November 2018

Tess walks in to a room and lights it up like a Christmas tree. The first time we met Tess was at a casting and she was showing us her plans for her Halloween Costume. This instant person ability was what drew us to choose her for our Spring and Summer campaign, she left the casting with all of our faces hurting from smiling at how down to earth and wonderful she was.

On the shoot she smiled all day and bounced around, becoming friends with all of us. We hired a house in Noosa for the Summer shoot and she ate pizza with us and became best friends with my puppy by sharing her watermelon with her. Tess is just a general beautiful hearted human inside and out, We LOVE TESS

Can you tell us who you are and where you are from originally?

Im TESS RAVIEZ, and well, I was born in Holland, my whole family is Dutch, but my parents moved to North Bondi when I was 1.. So I think of myself as from Bondi, as I spent my childhood there (:

How did you start out in the modeling industry?

Haha I actually don’t even know, it happened so fast.

I had a friend who’s mum was a stylist, she told me to go meet her friend who owned an agency in Sydney.. so I did.. and Ta Da!

What is the best part of your job?

Getting to go on holidays with the best people in town.. eg. THE O’NEILL TEAM.

It is coming into Summer here in Australia, what is your favorite thing about summer and what are your summer essentials?

The heat for sure! I cannot handle the cold at all.

I’ve always been a water baby, so that feeling of rolling under waves for hours. Then also not having to worry about being cold and wearing a trillion layers :p

My essentials would be BIKINI’S haha I always carry swimmers and a sarong in my car and of course you can’t do summer without sunnies or you’d be blind for 3 months.

Where is your favorite place to travel in the whole world?

Anywhere tropical!! 
I wouldn’t go anywhere twice, theres too many places to see.

Ive always really wanted to go to Tonga, Tahiti, Maldives.. or even WA haha

Who are your ideal holiday buddies?

Is it too corny to say my family?

what is the best style advice that you’ve ever been given and who inspires you?

hmm, to be honest, i’m not totally into fashion. I kind of just like what I like. I can’t think of any style advice I’ve ever been given. Haha but its probably because I don’t think to much about it.

Although, I can say that some of my friends have helped me out in the makeup department. Brush tips and best ways to use certain products.

My parents inspireme.

How did you prepare for the shoots?

I made sure to shave my legs and get a good nights rest.

What was it like working with O’Neill Women’s on their Spring & Summer 2017 campaign?

So nice, I feel like I’ve made some great friends, one being a dog, but we hit it off instantly.

The team is so down to earth and laid back, it really didn’t feel like work at all. I honestly just have a lot of love for them all!

They told me part of the reason I got the job was because I decided to show them my halloween costume. Haha it was nice to know that people appreciate you for your personality - or maybe I just had a kickass halloween costume.

What was your favour

Favourite part of the shoot? We shot in Noosa, and on one evening we went for a swim at dusk which was beautiful because it was still so warm.. then Hayley attempted to teach me how to surf.. haha that whole evening was lovely. I still have a silly video of Amy and I in towel hoodies. (Is that what you call them?)

What do you do in your time off, do you have any crazy hobbies?

I have my scuba diving license, but I wouldn’t call it a hobby because its not something I do all the time. I don’t really have any hobbies unfortunately - I wish I did!

Now the fun part where you get to tell us all your favorite things

Ice Cream Flavor?

Not big on ice cream but give me plain vanilla covered with Ice Magic and I won’t be sharing.


I have lots, but Practical Magic is an all time fave. I’m a sucker for movies.


Fleetwood Mac




I will always love Aus. The people, the food, the weather, the coast, even the accent - love it all.


I’m going to be lame and say “everything happens for a reason”, I truly believe it and I say it all the time haha


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